Fighting Sea Level Rise With Drones
Dania Montenegro is the Project Coordinator for Flying Labs of Latin America, based in Panama. The goal of Flying Labs is to accelerate the positive impact of local aid, health, development and environmental solutions locally. Flying Labs expand local markets by creating new jobs and businesses that offer robotics as a service and support local ecosystems. There are 24 Flying Labs located in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The Labs are franchised by WeRobotics to enable local changemakers who want to build robotics and AI capacity in their countries.
Off the coast of Panama lies a tiny island called Carti Sugdub. This island, home to more than 1,000 people, is threatened by sea level rise and climate change, so much so, that in partnership with the Government of Panama, the entire community is making plans to relocate to forty acres on the mainland. Flying Labs has been ask to help in the relocation by helping to document and preserve the culture and community design. Using drones, Flying Labs is creating a digital footprint that will guide redevelopment of the community in it new location. In this episode of the Drone Radio Show, Dania talks about Flying Labs Panama and how drones are helping the residents of Carti Sugdub mitigate the impacts of climate change and sea level rise. Joining Dania later in the podcast is Joseph Mulihausen, Head of Drone & Data Systems at WeRobotics.