Can Drones Play A Role As First Responders?
William “Fritz” Reber is a retired Patrol Operations Captain, having served 27 years with the Chula Vista Police Department. It was there that Fritz conceptualized and implemented the Drone as First Responder Program for Chula Vista. This innovative deployment of drones in investigate calls for police service has proved to be highly effective and offers a model for other police departments looking to improve efficiency, response times and service to their citizens. Fritz played a key role Chula Vista’s selection as the San Diego IPP Public Safety Concept of Operations. He also co-authored Chula Vista’s recent Beyond Visual Line of Sight safety assessment/waiver. Since retiring from the Chula Vista, he continues to work with the City’s police department as a consultant, assisting with the implementation of the drone as first responder program. In this edition of the Drone Radio Show, Fritz talks about Chula Vista’s Drone as First Responder Program and how its helping to make the safer and more efficient.